AWS Solution Architect Batch 3

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Course Content

Day 1: Introduction to Computer

  • What is a computer

Day 2: Linux- File System and Linux Commands

Day 3: Revision

Day 4: Linux User Management and File Permission

Day 5: Linux File Permission, Service and Network Management

Day 6: AWS Account Creation

Day 7. Introduction to Data Center

Day 8: IAM

Day 9: IAM Policy

Day 10: IAM-Continuation

Day 11: Final IAM

Day 12- IAM-Assignment

Day13- EC2

Day 14- EC2 – Pricing-AMI-InstanceType

Day 15- EC2-Tagging and Web Server Deployment

Day 16- AWS EBS for Instance and Window Server

Day 17 – EC2 SG and IPs and Instance Store

Day 18 – EC2 Placement Group and Key Pair

Day 19 – AWS VPC

Day 20- VPC Internet Gateway and Nat Gateway and CIDR Block

Day 21- VPC-Endpoint and Direct Connect

Day 22- VPC FlowLog and NACL

Day 23- Elastic Load Balancer

Day 23- Elastic Load Balancer Cont.

Day 25-Auto Scaling Group

Day 26- Route 53

Day 27- EFS

Day 28 – S3

Day 29- S3 Hosting and Life-Cycle

Day 30- RDS

Day 31- DynamoDB

Day 32- CloudFront and Summary

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